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jueves, 3 de junio de 2021







CUBA: OFFICIALS OF THE FAR AND THE MININT HATE TO CUBAN. The traitors are now bring- dollars. Thus they maintain their status and are willing from their comfort to repress any manifestation of dissidence or discontent of the people. When will we all be the same people?


   It is notorious that the highest leadership of the regime prohibits FAR and MININT officers from socializing with foreign tourists, especially if they are Cuban exiles.
  And that is palpable at first hand when I went to Cuba to visit. Even distant relatives, friends, faculty comrades who held a position in some of the aforementioned institutions avoided minimal contact with dissident Cubans or exiles, as if they were going to be infected with a new plague.
   Following instructions from their superiors, they distanced themselves from other citizens who were as Cuban as they were. Behind it, I think, there was the fear of the high spheres of some ideological Diversionism or that they revealed secrets without realizing or disengagement that had instilled in them that all, people inside and outside, are one.
  I also learned that they have special stores where they buyl all kinds of items and food that are only in the shopping area dollar. They give them vacations in distant hotels with the whole family so that they do not feel needs like the rest of the people, miserable and hungry, waiting for a visit from a relative from abroad.
  It is a segregation more between the military and the people that brings them the dollars that then hypocritically handle the military high spheres of the FAR or the MININT.
   The traitors are now bring- dollars. Thus they maintain their status and are willing from their comfort to repress any manifestation of dissidence or discontent of the people.
   When will we all be the same people?

LA NUEVA FASE DEL CAPITALISMO,CONCIENTE,INCLUSIVO The future of capitalism In recent years, various ideas and proposals have emerged that aim to rewrite capitalism's social contract.


In 1851, London hosted the "Great Exhibition Of The Works Of Industry Of All Nations" (Credit: Getty Images)

In 1851, London hosted the "Great Exhibition Of The Works Of Industry Of All Nations" (Credit: Getty Images)

The future of capitalism In recent years, various ideas and proposals have emerged that aim to rewrite capitalism's social contract. What they have in common is the idea that businesses need more varied measures of success than simply profit and growth. In business, there's "conscious capitalism", inspired by the practices of so-called "ethical" brands. In policy, there's "inclusive capitalism", advocated by both the Bank of England and The Vatican, which advocates harnessing "capitalism for good". And in sustainability, there's the idea of "doughnut economics", a theory proposed by economist and author Kate Raworth, which suggests that it's possible to thrive economically as a society while also staying within social and planetary boundaries. Then there's the "Five Capitals" model articulated by Jonathan Porritt, the author of Capitalism As If The World Matters. Porritt calls for the integration of five pillars of human capital – natural, human, social, manufactured, and financial capital – into existing economic models.* Matthew Wilburn King is an international consultant and conservationist based in Boulder, Colorado and the president and chairman of the Common Foundation. Connect with him on Facebook or LinkedIn.



Haydée Moriondo
* La estupidez insiste siempre, uno se daría cuenta de ello si no pensara siempre en sí mismo *.
" La peste", Albert Camus.
Puede ser un primer plano de una o varias personas y al aire libre
* La estupidez insiste siempre, uno se daría cuenta de ello si no pensara siempre en sí mismo *.
" La peste", Albert Camus.

eres inútil.” Fight Club (1999) David Fincher


“Tienes que saber, no temer, saber que algún día vas a morir, y hasta que no entiendas eso, eres inútil.”
Fight Club (1999) David Fincher
Puede ser una imagen de 1 persona

🇺🇸💪Estados Unidos anunció una donación de 25 millones de vacunas, de las cuales 6 millones serán destinadas a América Latina y Argentina es uno de lo países en la lista. 👏
El listado también incluye a países como Brasil , Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala.
💉Habrá vacunas de Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer y Moderna, pero no la de AstraZeneca. Los factores que influyeron en la decisión sobre cómo distribuir las vacunas fueron; lograr una cobertura global, responder a los picos de contagios y ayudar con la mayor cantidad de dosis posibles.😷

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